Friday, February 1, 2013

Na Na Na Na...

Well folks, today is the day.  I am finally taking off for the adventure of a life time in Rome, Italy.  I cannot believe that it is actually happening, and when my mind does kind of wrap around the reality of what is going on, it is just ridiculous.  But it is going to happen.  I am going to leave in a few short hours and get on a plane headed for Rome.  Wow.

We got back from our retreat yesterday afternoon, which was a really great time.  Being able to spend time in silence was a beautiful thing to re-focus myself after a long break, especially focusing on the ultimate goal of the priesthood.  The retreat was about "The Call" and it was just a humbling thing to pray about the noble vocation of the priesthood and the fact that I, one day, will be ordained to take part in the very ministry of Christ in this world.  Words cannot describe that incredible gift and my desire to give myself to the Church only continues to grow.  In less serious news, I did walk probably 3 miles (round trip) across frozen Lake Buffalo and back.  To quote my sister "Wait, isn't it cold up in Minnesota?"  Yes, and that is why I was able to walk on the lake.  But it was a great way to get out of the building for a bit and get some fresh air.

Now, as I prepare to leave, it is really crazy to think that I am one of the "Men in Rome" at SJV.  Just looking back at the men who have gone to Rome during my first 2 years here, I have always looked up to them.  I see them as the seminarians who know what they're doing, who have their stuff together, who are just impressive guys.  And then now, as I depart, I start thinking to myself, "Man, that's me now...."  And the only reason that I can give for that is that seminary formation works.  I have grown immensely during my time here and feel about as prepared as I can be to encounter myself, and more importantly, the Lord, in Rome this semester.  While it is bittersweet to be leaving the brotherhood at the seminary for the semester, I know that the Lord has many good things in store for me.

So please pray for safe travels for all of the students going to Rome and know that my next update will be from Rome!  To quote thousands of fans at US Cellular Field on a good night for the White Sox: "Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey. Good Bye!"  

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe - Ruega por Nosotros!  

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