Cardinal Dolan is Batman! And the Conclave is upon us! |
Well, it is finally here, the conclave. If everything goes according to plan, I will be at the opening Mass for the conclave tomorrow with all of the cardinals, which I am looking forward to. Knowing that I will be at Mass with the future Pope is just kind of mindblowing, especially because only the Lord knows who it will be. One cool thing that I learned today was that the word "conclave" means "with the keys." And it is at the conclave that the cardinals decide who will carry on the ministry of the apostle Peter, the man entrusted with the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. So in a very real way, these men decide who will be the man "with the keys," as Christ's Vicar here on Earth. I don't have much to say on the whole situation, it is hard to put what is going on into words. I just can't believe that I am here in Rome for this. This easily is the most historic event I have ever witnessed in my life, so it is such a blessing to be here to live this. I don't have to read about it online or watch some biased media coverage of the event, when they only walk about sex abuse, the "oppressive male hierarchy of the Church", or the odds that the next Pope will change Church doctrine (which is impossible, by the way). I get to live it, and I thank God for this opportunity.
Please pray for all of us, that we will be in the square when the white smoke goes up. And if that doesn't happen, that the Lord will grant us super speed as we sprint from wherever we are, hurdling smart cars along the way, to get to the square as they announce "HABEMUS PAPUM" And of course, most importantly, pray for the Cardinals, as they discern who the Lord is calling to serve as the next Pope.
Lastly, I leave you with a very scary possibility. According to Canon Law, any person who is male and Catholic is technically a candidate for Pope. And last time I checked, our good friend Ryan fulfills those qualifications. So here he is, the one and only Ryan Adorjan, practicing his Pope wave, just in case the Cardinal Electors happen to call his name!
How exciting for you. Enjoy!
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