Monday, April 15, 2013

Guten Tag Ryan!

Contrary to some speculation in the comments, Ryan did in fact accompany us on our trip to Austria and Germany.  But I have to admit that Ryan never made it out of Austria.  He was just having way too much fun re-enacting scenes from the Sound of Music in Salzburg that he never got on the train to Munich.  He just loved skipping through the fields singing to himself.  So hopefully, he will find his way back to Rome someday soon.  We will have to just wait and see.  Anyways, we do know what Ryan did the first half of the week, so here we go.

Ryan, just outside of Votivkirche in Vienna, was seen with an angry bear with some bedazzled armor out hunting.  We are not quite sure what the bear was doing or why Mike is seemingly risking his life to get Ryan so close to this angry bear, but we have photographic evidence that this truly happened.  I think it must stem from Ryan's general love of all things bedazzled.

In Salzburg, I was able to bring Ryan over to one of my favorite animals, the unicorn.  Why they remember this animal that was late for the departure of Noah's Ark still baffles me, but again, Ryan just wanted to be with the unicorn, so of course we had to take a picture.

And lastly, Ryan was able to meet one of the greatest musicians of all time, Mr. Mozart himself.  Here Peter, Mike, and Ryan bask in this prodigy's presence and hope to gain some of his musical skills.  Ryan wanted to play his trombone for Mozart, but alas, it just didn't fit in his bag.  Maybe next time Ryan will get to perform for him.     

We will have to wait and see where Ryan goes next!

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe - Ruega por nosotros!    

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